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Simplicity Books That Nabila Read in 2018

2. March 2019


The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo

Sebelum baca buku ini, kami sudah declutter beberapa kantong besar. Kemudian, kami mengulang lagi dari step paling awal, dan kami masih bisa mengumpulkan ENAM kantong besar pakaian that doesn’t spark joy.

Penasaran dengan buku ini setelah lihat instastorynya Kak Nadhira Arini, pas banget momennya dengan kemumetan keluarga kami (terutama saya pribadi) dengan kondisi rumah yang rasanya tak kunjung sampai pada titik kerapian yang diharapkan. Padahal kami sudah memperbaiki sistem dan intensitas bebenah kami, baik secara kuantitas, maupun kualitas. Namun tetap saja, saya selalu merasa mumet di rumah, sering ngedumel, bahkan sampai cukup depresi yang mengganggu keharmonisan keluarga kami. Bahaya kan? Makanya saya langsung gercep buat lahap buku ini sampai tuntas, dan langsung sambil mempraktikan setiap langkahnya berdua dengan suami. And it is truly life-changing! I have no idea what to say, I’m just so grateful to find this what so called KonMarie method, mashaaAllaah. Kalau kamu bukan tipe yang suka baca buku, there is KonMarie method series already available in Netflix. Dari buku ini, saya menyadari bahwa tidying up is one of my favorite things to do even since I was kid. Boleh tanya keluarga saya di Bogor, kalau saya sering banget tiba-tiba bebenah kamar, lemari buku, meja belajar, dsb. I know I’m not good on keeping my room clean, but really, I love to tidy up. Mainly on declutter things and make more space. Semacam terapi buat saya, sebuah kenikmatan sendiri menyaksikan perubahan ‘before‘ dan ‘after‘ yang signifikan. All I need is to find the right way to do it, and KonMarie method is just simply an answer to what I’m looking for. Beberes rumah pun jadi menyenangkan, alhamdulillah.

Goodbye Things by Fumio Sasaki

Beli buku ini di Amazon karena sering muncul sebagai suggestion sejak order bukunya Marie Kondo, dan tertarik dengan ilustrasi yang ditampilkan oleh penulis; rumah yang sangat super minimalis. Adem aja liatnya, menggambarkan salah satu cita-cita besar saya. Benar saja, di awal buku, kita akan disuguhi oleh sejumlah foto dari beberapa pelaku gaya hidup minimalis. Penulis juga menunjukkan perbedaan ‘before‘ dan ‘after‘ kondisi rumah beliau saat memulai hidup minimalis, ‘satisfying‘ gitu juga lihat perubahannya yang signifikan. Namun sayang, setelah memasuki separuh akhir buku, bacaannya jadi membosankan. Atau mungkin karena belum lama saya membaca buku sejenis sebelumnya, jadi terkesan isinya kurang lebih hanya pengulangan saja.

Ada satu yang sangat membekas setelah membaca buku ini, bahwa kita hanya menikmati sesuatu yang baru hanya sebentar. Gadget baru, pakaian baru, prestasi baru, bahkan mungkin status baru, excitement-nya hanya bertahan beberapa jam saja. Selanjutnya yaa jadi biasa aja. Dan teori ini didukung oleh beberapa orang sukses di Jerman yang menyatakan demikian juga. Yap, dunia ini memang sifatnya sementara. Setiap kondisi ada masanya. Kalau kata lirik nasyid mah namanya dunia bagi manusia ialah bak air laut, diminum akan menambah haus. Buku ini cukup menyadarkan ketika diri mulai mabok ‘air laut’ tersebut. MashaaAllaah.

Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson


Two Firsts At Once

22. November 2018

Based on my schedule, I should have posted the article about our weekend getaway trip to Den Haag today. Human plans, but still Allah is the best planner. I have already the draft, just need some more finishing so that it will be up soon inshaaAllah. By the way, instead of posting that article, I decided to write this unexpected article first today. Consider it as a subtitute, perhaps.

Sooo, the story I wanna share is that I just managed to delete exactly half of my instagram feeds today. If you wonder why, the answer is because after all this time I was considering to “hide” or even quit instagram, I finally became so sure to do it after I probably experience the effects of ‘Ain towards my baby. Yes, Bilal, he has always been healthy and fit since he was born mashaaAllaah. But yesterday afternoon, when he just woke up from nap, he suddenly got fever so high, 39,3°C. He was completely fine before he sleeps, he was so active as usual. The fever happened just like a shock. Fine, I admit that I posted some pictures of him and our family picture in instagram short before he fell asleep, and I was looking with too much adore look to his face when he just fell asleep. That’s why the first thing came to my mind when I found my firsborn just got his first fever was… this must be ‘Ain! I immediately watched again some speech talking about ‘Ain in utube. How frightened I am to get reminded how harm the ‘Ain is. All night long I can’t stop worrying how bad ‘Ain would hit my baby bee. Because Rasullullah (peace be upon him) said that ‘Ain could even bring somebody to death. Naudzubillahi min dzalik. Then yeah, to prevent worse things, I decided to stop expossing my family in social media isnhaaAllah. I pray that Allah keeps my intentions pure lillahita’alaa, aamiin.

Well, what happened to Bilal is not the only thing that assure me that ‘Ain is real. Believe it or not, before the recent family picture was up on my instagram feeds, Bilal got fever, then… we, the parents had big arguements during the day. I was crying like crazy, can’t believe how could it be that my marriage all of sudden come to such an hazard. May Allah protect all of us from bad things, in this dunya, and more so in akhira.

But alhamdulillah, everything got much better now after the big step I took today, learn how to wisely use social media. The fever is gone. I hope our baby will have speedy recovery, inshaaAllaah. Aaand, the good news is, AFTER 2 YEARS 8 MONTHS and 2 DAYS MARRIED, I FINALLY GOT A BOUQUET OF BEAUTIFUL WHITE FLOWERS FROM THE CUTE HUSBAND OF MINE. I was always wondering when would he give me A flower, and which flower will it be? I just got the answer today. MashaaAllah, tabarakallah. May Allah shower us with mercy, blessings, and true love. Aamiin. See? This story worth to be written so that the readers hopefully could take the hikmah from it, and it surely will be a nice reminder to the writer as well inshaaAllaah.